a blue small engine plane in a hangar with doors open. students sit in chairs listening to a man standing next to the plane

On Monday, September 23, YCS students attended an Aviation Expo at the Avery County Airport organized by the Mtn. Air Pilot’s Association.  All 7th Project Lead the Way students from both Cane River and East Yancey Middle Schools attended the half-day event. Students were able to view seven aircrafts of various designs and learn about different aspects of aviation from guest speakers. The day included a special visit by the MAMA helicopter team and a drone demonstration by the Yancey County Sheriff's Office and Yancey County Emergency Management. The expo gave students firsthand experience with concepts they are learning in the Flight and Space unit of the Project Lead the Way curriculum and a valuable opportunity to learn from pilots and others associated with aviation-related careers.

YCS extends a special thanks to the Avery County Airport, the Mtn. Air Pilot’s Association, Steve Holz, Bobby Brewster, the Yancey County Sheriff’s Office, Yancey County Emergency Management, and the helicopter crew from Mission hospital.